What Is Democracy?


Democracy is a system of government in which the people determine the country’s policies. It is based on the principles of equality, freedom and control (Talmon, 1960; Rawls, 1971).

The concept of democracy has been around for a long time: ‘democracy’ has its origins in the Greek word ‘demo’ meaning whole citizen living within a certain city-state and ‘kratos’ referring to power or rule.

It is a fundamental value that has been defended by many different governments throughout history, and that is widely considered to be the most effective way to govern large populations. It is also the only form of government that complies with the rights of people, as outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Freedom and equality are the main values of a democratic society: everyone should be able to live their lives without restrictions. The right to speak out and be heard is a major part of this, and can make a huge difference in how people are represented in government.

Keeping these two key values in balance is a challenge for any system of government. This is why it is essential to have a system of government that is open to change as new conditions arise.

To do this, it is important to have a democratic political culture in which people feel comfortable exercising their right to free expression and to form their own groups of supporters. These could be independent political parties, interest groups or social movements.

The right to participate in government is also a basic requirement of democracy: citizens need to be able to vote for their representatives. This is the only way for people to be held accountable by their government, and to ensure that they receive a fair deal.

Another crucial aspect of democracy is to have freedom of assembly and association. This right allows people to discuss their views with others and to gather together to protest against decisions that they disagree with.

It is also important to have a pluralism of beliefs in the population, as this is the best way to allow for a diversity of viewpoints and to encourage new ideas to develop. This is why it is so important for governments to respect this right, as a lack of pluralism can lead to a rigidity of opinions that prevents society from developing in new ways and improving on its past achievements.

This is a key aspect of democracy and is a fundamental value in all countries. It is therefore vital that it is respected by all governments, so that their citizens can feel a sense of belonging to their country.

Our research has shown that a large number of people across the world are disillusioned with the quality of their own democracy and want more. This is why we have launched this project to help countries to improve their democratic systems and ensure that the rights of people are protected.