The Definition of Freedom


Freedom is an essential part of any society. It allows us to pursue our aspirations and makes it possible for people to live without fear. However, there are several different definitions of freedom and how we think about it changes the way we use it. For example, some people think that freedom only means a lack of restrictions while others believe that it is more than just a lack of restrictions. In fact, many people believe that freedom has to do with the way a person uses their freedom and how they treat other people.

The idea of freedom is a fundamental one and is found in all cultures throughout the world. It is used in the political realm in terms of democracy versus dictatorship, and it is also seen in the context of civil rights and the notion that people of all races, religions, genders, social classes and ideologies should be free. Freedom is also seen in the economic realm, and it refers to free markets, owning private property and being able to move around the country as one chooses.

In the philosophical realm, philosophers such as Immanuel Kant have made it a point to differentiate the concept of freedom and how it is defined. The idea of freedom has multiple meanings ranging from the transcendental notion of freedom as being the natural right of every human being to the concept of freedom that is based on moral law (Einheitliches Recht).

Kant also notes how the definition of freedom can change according to one’s perspective. In his Critique of Pure Reason, Kant points out that the meaning of freedom is relative. For instance, a man can think of himself as being free from jealousy or being free from an attachment to dogma, but these types of freedoms do not actually exist. The real freedom exists in the ability to see something new and not cling to the old.

The most common perception of freedom is that it is a state in which a person can do whatever they want without restraint or restriction. This can be a physical state such as when a person is not tethered to an object or the ground or it can be a psychological state of not having any ties or expectations to someone else.

In reality, no one can be completely free from something as there is always a constraint that exists. Whether this constraint is moral, legal, psychological or physically imposed depends on how an individual deals with it. Therefore, the true definition of freedom is how an individual tries to discipline themselves to not be swayed by these constraints and use their own free will. Using their own free will, they try to achieve their aspirations in an honest and responsible manner. This also includes protecting the freedom of other people, as those who do not understand this concept will impose on the rights and freedoms of others. This is why it is so important to teach students what freedom really means.