A form of government where the citizens have the right to deliberate, discuss, and decide how government should be administered is called democracy. A democracy has a political system in which government is responsive to the needs of its citizens. The most famous example of democracy is the U.S. democracy.
democracy is defined as a government in which there is a high degree of participation by the citizens in governing their state. In a true democracy, a representative of the citizens of a country takes office to make decisions on their behalf in accordance with the majority rule. This is generally referred to as democracy. A truly democratic consolidation of power is not an election process whereby candidates are voted in through a majority rule. A true democracy allows for a leader to be elected through a majority election.
Of all the known types of democracy, probably the most appropriate to label a civilization in need of democracy would be the German democracy. In the Weimar Republic of Germany in the years prior to World War II, citizens were able to vote for members of the legislature, for example, the Federal Diet (the equivalent of the upper house of parliament) and the Cabinet. These representatives met together in a Diet Constitutional (germanisch-empire) Diet to debate and settle matters of policy, including issues regarding religion, foreign affairs, and defense. The idea behind this Diet was that citizens of Germany should be allowed a direct role in their government. Although the Diet made itself subject to attacks from the kaiser (chairman of the Junkers), the Germans elected the SPD (Social Democratic Party) to form the first government in what would become the unified Germany of today.
There are also other forms of democracy in which elected assemblies of representatives meet to discuss and make decisions about public issues. Direct democracy, also known as direct parlamentary, is the most classic form of democracy. In these systems, individuals can propose laws by election and the proposals get a majority vote, before being approved by the legislature. A form of indirect democracy called popular mandate is when a candidate wins an election based on large numbers of votes. This process tends to bring governments with parties who agree with the majority opinion to power.
In terms of longevity of democracy, the best known of all democratic systems is probably deliberative democracy. In deliberative democracy, citizens can deliberate about pressing issues, settle them through deliberation, and come to a conclusion through discussion. In multiparty democracy, citizens participate in elections to elect representatives to an advisory council, whose job it is to represent the citizens. Representatives then go to the consultative assembly, which is empowered by law to formulate legislative measures. In multiparty democracy, the assemblies have a say in legislation and the way it is carried out.
In representative democracy, citizens make laws by election and make their representatives go to the consultative assembly and make laws for them through voting. Elected representatives may then try to implement the laws through the legislature. An example of representative democracy is the United States House of Representatives and the US Senate. The US House of Representatives and the US Senate each have approximately two hundred and forty representatives and no more than two hundred and forty members each. The House of Representatives and the Senate are selected by the voters for a particular office, and representatives are then chosen by individual voters for each office. If a third party were to win the election, they would be given the power to sit as a member of both the Houses of Representatives and the Senate.