Democracy – The Power of the People


Often called the power of the people, democracy is a process by which people participate in collective decision making. It is a public egalitarian process in which people have an equal voice in making laws and decisions. People are permitted to make their opinions known and to seek alternative sources of information.

A key aspect of democracy is the freedom of peaceful assembly, which allows for the formation of interest groups and for the discussion of ideas. It also provides an opportunity for people to protest against decisions and to make their voices heard. UDHR Article 20 guarantees freedom of peaceful assembly. This allows people to gather for discussions and protests, and to organize groups to lobby for specific policies.

The majority in a democracy is able to rule without fear of being overridden by the minority. The minority may disagree with the majority on issues such as proper treatment of people and on how to organize shared lives. If the minority does not support the government’s policies, the majority is often unable to effectively counter the minority’s efforts. It is often difficult to understand why the minority has become so strong. It is often related to the fact that the minority is treated as inferior by the society. This can be highly oppressive. It is a problem that must be addressed in order to maintain the authority of democracy.

Aside from public equality, the basic tenets of democracy are that each person has an equal voice in decision making, and that everyone has a right to form an independent association. This right includes the right to be treated as an equal and to have one’s moral independence respected. It also includes the right to vote in elections and the right to run for elective government offices.

The word democracy comes from the Greek word kratos, meaning power. The term ‘democracy’ is not necessarily meant to be normative, but it has a normative meaning in the sense that it describes the ways that a political society is governed. This is a definition that is both intrinsically and instrumentally valid. There is no single definition of democracy that will be acceptable to all. Those who reject democracy argue that it does not work well and that it is destructive to the people. Those who support democracy argue that it is a legitimate means of organizing society and that it works to promote economic growth.

The ability of the political system to accommodate a variety of views on laws and policies is important. If the decision making process is not open to the general public, the government will be unable to reach an agreement. In order to achieve this, the government needs to ensure that people are able to speak their minds. It also needs to avoid emotionally charged issues. The media and other alternative sources of information should be available to the public. They should also be protected by law.

The ability of democratic procedures to include everyone’s interests and views is also essential. This means that politicians should make decisions that are based on what is best for the society, and that citizens should listen to politicians, and seek out the information that they need to be able to make their own decisions. If elected officials are making decisions that are not in the best interest of the people, the citizens should demand that they be removed. It also means that politicians should avoid emotional issues, and avoid divisive issues.