Democracy in America – Will Trump’s Rhetoric Ruin American Democracy?

democracy in america

Alexis de Tocqueville wrote Democracy in America, a book that changed the way Americans think about government. It is the most widely read book on the topic of American democracy. It is a must-read for those interested in the development of the American republic. While most European critics feared that America would descend into anarchy, Alexis de Tocqueville saw a more frightening threat: American citizens would abandon self-government in favor of a government that was more powerful and more centralized.

A new report by the Wall Street Journal argues that the 2020 general election will be the climax of a two-decade decline in public trust in American democracy. According to the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, only 16% of American citizens believe that the US has a democracy that works well. In addition, 45% of Americans believe that the country’s democracy is not working very well. Meanwhile, 38% say it’s working somewhat well.

The US government has become increasingly centralized and less representative, thereby destabilizing its own democracy. This, in turn, undermines world peace and social tranquility. A number of events, including the shooting of George Floyd on Capitol Hill, have exposed the ugly side of American democracy. Protests across the country and abroad have revealed the existence of systemic racism within the US society. The report also concludes that the US should reconsider its democratic practices and consider new ways of engaging with other nations.

The US government is far from being bound by the rule of law. Its response to the BLM protests and the Capitol riot was not the same, and it sent shockwaves throughout the international community. Moreover, there have been numerous attempts to sabotage American democracy, including President Trump himself. The president’s remarks on the US election have shattered the foundation of American democracy. So now, many question whether our democratic system can survive Trump’s rhetoric.

It is difficult to assess the degree of sensitivity of American citizens. The majority of American citizens show little sensitiveness even in their own country, in contrast to their European counterparts. This lack of sensitivity is probably a product of their general lack of understanding of politics. Americans are often known for doing insensitive things and are unsensitive. But if you study the English language closely, you’ll understand that there are many reasons why America is so unfriendly.

Another flaw of the winner-take-all electoral system is that it exacerbates inequality between states and political parties. Further, it discourages voter turnout, as many voters aren’t aware of the election and are reluctant to participate in it. In addition, de Tocqueville noted that voters in “deep blue” states and “deep red” states are ignored. That means that “swing” states become disproportionately important.

Despite the fact that public opinion strongly favors fundamental reform of the political system, it’s difficult to assess how democratic our government is. In the United States, both sides believe that they are capable of making major changes, but they disagree on the exact direction. However, six out of ten Americans don’t think the system is flexible enough to make these changes. Because of this, legislative gridlock is becoming more common, and public support for executive action is rising.