Freedom, by definition, is being able to act or alter without limitation. Something is free when it is not limited in its current condition and is able to change easily. If a thing is freely able to change and is able to adapt to changes, then that thing can be called a freedom. Freedom is an aspect that has been neglected in most western societies. In the United States of America for example, the law of liberty is mostly ignored by the people because they have a tendency to believe that it will take away their freedom.
The word ‘freedom’ itself is very vague and does not have a clear definition in most western countries. This is mainly because the concept of ‘freedom’ itself is largely based on personal and political beliefs held by different people. Freedom, on the other hand, is the capacity to act and achieve things without interference from other people. Economic freedom from want are the two main aspects of freedom.
The concept of ‘personal freedom’ refers to the capacity to do things according to one’s own will and preferences. It differs fundamentally from political freedom, which refers to the freedom of government officials to perform certain actions within the framework of a legal framework. A common example of a politically constrained action is the US Congressarian legislation. Although some citizens may disapprove of these laws, the concept of individual freedom still exists. Political freedoms are also a form of economic freedoms.
Private and personal freedom are the two concepts that are often used interchangeably but in reality have two different meanings. The individual liberty of an individual refers to his or her right to engage in private and personal conduct. Private freedom, on the other hand, refers to the freedom of an individual to engage in public activities, associations, and so on. When an individual is interviewed on the subject of human rights and the role of economic freedom in promoting these rights, it becomes evident that the two concepts are not the same.
Private civil liberties are not equivalent to political freedom. The degree to which they overlap is largely dependent upon the type of government one lives under. A traditional liberal state upholds individual freedoms to the maximum extent possible while limiting political freedom at the minimum. As a result, political freedoms enjoy a much lower level than personal freedoms. For instance, in China, it is illegal to publicly discuss or hold meetings with people abroad without the permission of the local government. This extends to the internet as well, which is another major avenue for political speech.
Economic freedom, by contrast, refers to the ability of a person to earn money. This freedom is most commonly associated with capitalism, which the US has provided a major base for. The freedom of an individual to choose to work in any occupation he chooses also forms the cornerstone of economic freedoms. This right is guaranteed by the US constitution and is referred to as personal freedom. When the term is used, there are often some who debate what it means, particularly when it comes to economic freedom as it pertains to the US.