Democracy in Process and Democracy in Will


When we think of democracy, most of us imagine a system of government that involves the people voting for their elected representatives and directly participating in policy making. Democracy is much more than this, though. It also refers to the principles of law and order that are at the heart of any modern society. To be considered democratic, the rules of a society must guarantee that all citizens are treated fairly and with respect and that no one has unchecked power over another.

The word ‘democracy’ derives from the Greek words ‘demos’ (the people) and ‘kratia’ (rule). It is a concept that encompasses both processes of democracy and real democratic power – or, as it was once said, “democracy in process and democracy in will.” Throughout history, struggles for a more functional democracy have normally focused on either one or the other aspect of the idea.

Democracy cannot function unless all citizens are willing to participate actively. That participation may involve voting, protesting, or running for office. It should always be peaceful, respectful of the rights of others, and tolerant of the different views of other people and groups. It is important to understand that no one has the right to use violence against any political opponent.

In addition, a democracy must ensure that elections are free and fair. It must also ensure that officials who take on public office do not extend their terms in office without asking for the consent of voters again through a vote, and that they must be removed from office after serving a certain number of years. It must also guarantee that anyone accused of a crime has the right to a public trial by impartial courts and judges.

Finally, a democracy must protect itself from external threats. In a modern world, such threats may come in the form of foreign interference or of corruption by politicians and other officials. To combat these threats, a democracy must develop a mechanism to allow it to self-correct and restore its own democratic values.

Democracy is a dynamic concept that will continue to change and grow. As long as we can recognize that it is a process of arbitrating conflicting components of society, we can preserve its value and make it more functional.

If we want a more effective democracy, we should focus on improving the democratic process and giving more real power to the people. The best way to achieve this is through a multi-party system in which the parties are required to reach agreement on policy issues before proceeding to an election. This will help to prevent extremist views from forming and create more balance in the democratic process. It will also enable more of the population to participate in politics and give a greater voice to their concerns. In a multi-party system, the people will also be able to judge the quality of candidates, and make decisions based on merit rather than on party affiliation.

Democracy in America is in Crisis

democracy in america

There is a widespread view that democracy in America is in crisis. In fact, a recent poll showed that 42% of Americans believe that democracy is under attack and only 7% think it’s working well. This is not only a national problem but a global one, and the US needs to do some soul searching about its role in the world as a model of democracy.

The American political system has been transformed into a kind of scenario seen in Hollywood movies where well-heeled politicians publicly pledge their commitment to the people but spend their time scheming behind the scenes for their own benefit. Political infighting, money politics and vetocracy have made it almost impossible for quality governance to be delivered as the public would like.

In fact, the political system has become so dysfunctional that many citizens no longer believe that it is democratic in any meaningful sense of the word. According to a recent survey by the Pew Research Center, only 19% of the people surveyed felt very confident that elections reflect the public’s preferences and only 48% say they are very or somewhat satisfied with the way government works.

Many of the problems stem from growing partisan polarization. The most liberal Republican is now significantly to the right of the most conservative Democrat, and areas of consensus have disappeared. This partisan antagonism has eroded the function of checks and balances and fostered a vindictive “if I can’t do it, you can’t either” mentality. In addition, the influence of large-scale political donations has distorted the democratic process by giving rich donors greater political clout.

Furthermore, the US media has lost its independence and is now dominated by a handful of major media conglomerates that are controlled by politically-motivated individuals and entities. The media has not served its purpose as a “gatekeeper” of democracy because it does not adequately distinguish between fact and propaganda. This has exacerbated political polarization and given rise to extreme ideologies and populism.

As a result, the majority of people in many US allies see democracy in the United States as a “shattered, washed-up has-been”. In a Brookings Online article in June 2021, Brian Klaas reports that 69% of New Zealanders, 65% of Australians, 59% of Swedes, 56% of the Netherlands and 53% of British citizens believe that the US is not a “shining city upon a hill”.

It’s time to take a closer look at the actual functioning of the US political system and decide whether or not it really is a democracy in any meaningful sense of the word. If we don’t do this, the rest of the world will be under no illusion about the US’s self-styled model of democracy, and our foreign policy and military interventions in Latin America will continue to cause social chaos, political instability and economic dislocation. This is a global issue and deserves to be addressed by all parties concerned. Hopefully, it can be resolved through some serious soul-searching in the US.

The Different Meanings of Freedom

Freedom is an app that blocks websites and apps so you can focus on work or take a digital detox. It’s great for writers, students, software developers, or anyone who wants to be more productive by eliminating distractions. It’s also useful for those who struggle with procrastination and need a tool to help them stay self-disciplined with their digital devices.

The concept of freedom has been debated in philosophy for centuries, but one of the biggest problems is that people often mean different things by the word. To have a meaningful discussion, everyone needs to agree on what they mean by the word. This is especially true for political concepts like freedom, which has many different interpretations.

In this article, we’ll look at the various interpretations of freedom and how they relate to each other. We’ll also discuss the different kinds of freedoms that exist and see if there are any ways we can improve our understanding of the concept of freedom.

A lot of people think that freedom is simply about being able to do whatever you want without interference from others. However, this view of freedom is limited and incomplete. It doesn’t account for the fact that there are other people who are affected by our choices, and it doesn’t acknowledge the possibility of sacrificing our own freedoms in order to achieve something else we desire.

The most important question about freedom is whether or not it is possible for individuals or groups to achieve positive freedom through political action. This question has been hotly debated in the history of western political thought, and it is still a subject of considerable controversy today.

MacCallum argues that one way to understand the different meanings of freedom is to use a triadic relation between an agent, a particular (impeded or unimpeded) action, and a goal. This approach is similar to the definition of freedom offered by Felix Oppenheim, but it is more comprehensive in its coverage of the different interpretations of freedom.

Another option for those interested in a more comprehensive understanding of the concept of freedom is the book “What does freedom really mean?” by philosopher and political scientist David Held. The book takes a broad approach to the topic, covering both negative and positive freedoms.

If you’re interested in trying Freedom, you can get 7 free blocking sessions as part of a free trial. Just head to the official website and enter your email address to sign up. From there, you can choose a payment plan that best suits your needs. You can pay either with a credit card or through PayPal. Then, download and install the Freedom app on your Windows or macOS device. Once it’s installed, follow the on-screen instructions to set up your block session.

What Is Law?


Law is a huge subject that covers rules that are created and enforced by social or governmental institutions to regulate behaviour, and it shapes politics, economics, history and society in many different ways. Its precise definition is a topic of long-standing debate. Some forms of law are rooted in religious precepts, for example Islamic Sharia, while others require human elaboration, such as Jewish Halakha and Christian canon.

In most countries, laws are made and enforced by governments. Each nation has its own constitutional system of government and its own laws, though the fundamental function is the same: to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and with respect, that their rights are protected, and that they can live a peaceful life without interference from other people.

The laws that govern people differ from country to country, but the main areas of law are employment law, tax law, civil procedure and criminal law. Labour law concerns the tripartite relationship between a worker, employer and trade union, and includes such issues as a right to strike and minimum wage regulations. Tax law is the study of how a society taxes its citizens, and it also involves regulating banks in terms of how much capital they must hold to avoid bankruptcy. Criminal law is the study of how to punish people who break the rules.

People do not always agree about what the rules should be, and a law can help resolve these disagreements. For example, if two people claim ownership of the same piece of land, a court can decide who owns it by looking at the evidence presented in the case. The law can also help in other ways, for example, by ensuring that police officers and public officials carry out their duties without discrimination.

One of the key aspects of law is that it changes and adapts to the needs of society. This is why there are so many areas of law.

There are three broad categories of law, but the subjects within these categories intertwine and overlap. Employment law, for example, deals with the relationship between a worker, an employer and a trade union. Taxation law covers the collection and regulation of taxes, while criminal law considers how to punish a person who breaks the rules.

There are also special types of law, such as family and civil rights law, that deal with specific groups of people. These laws are important because they can help protect people from abuse and injustice. However, laws are not a panacea and they have their limits. People sometimes revolt against established law, and in some cases this can lead to revolutions that establish new forms of political-legal authority. This can take the form of a democratically elected government or of an agreement between people to share power. In the latter case, a constitution is usually established to set out how the law will work. In either case, the law is a vital part of a society.

Indonesia: A Democracy in Good Health

democracy in indonesia

After decades of authoritarian rule, the fall of Suharto in 1998 signalled the start of a new period of reform and change known as the Reformation. Among the changes is decentralization and the separation of presidential power from other branches of government. Another is a move towards a more democratic political-social environment characterized by greater participation in the political process. Despite these structural changes, the post-Suharto era is not without its challenges, including the persistence of corruption, poverty, and the concentration of capital at society’s elite.

At first glance, Indonesia seems a democracy in good health. The nation has a long history of electoral participation and, with one exception (when the military refused to obey the orders of President Abdurrahman Wahid to disarm) the transitions of national leadership have been conducted without violence. Indonesia’s parliamentary and direct elections are generally regarded as free and fair. The national police and Election Supervisory Body collaborate to prevent vote-buying, intimidation, and other forms of electoral fraud ahead of and during elections. Moreover, the government is developing normative plans and statements demonstrating its commitment to democratic consolidation, such as an initiative to build an electoral vulnerability index, campaigns that encourage voting, and the monitoring of voter behavior during and after elections.

But there are also signs of regression and erosion of democratic habits. For example, the government’s plan to revert to indirect regional elections is a profound course reversal. It will deny voters a say in assessing the competence of their local executives and weaken an important source of accountability for governance. Furthermore, it will further marginalize the poorest regions of the country and entrench the interests of a narrow elite that benefitted from its ties with Suharto’s regime.

Other examples of deterioration include the failure to ensure basic public services, a lack of respect for women’s rights, and the continued presence of radical sectarian groups. While the Indonesian economy has been growing rapidly, half of the population lives in poverty and there are concerns about the quality of education and healthcare.

Nonetheless, there are reasons for hope. The popular if goofy President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has shown himself less committed to pursuing authoritarian tactics than many other heads of state in the region. He is less concerned with smearing the media, intimidating NGOs, or threatening to abolish repressive laws. Instead, he is more likely to be found shoring up support by building rural infrastructure or handing out push bikes to children.

Ultimately, however, it will take more than a focus on elections and bureaucratic reform to consolidate Indonesia’s democracy. The country must create a democratic habit of practice that extends beyond polling booths and parliamentary halls, and includes the Indonesian people. Otherwise, the country will continue to resemble an unstable democracy that only pays lip service to normative plans for democratic consolidation. Sana Jaffrey is a nonresident scholar in the Asia Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Her research focuses on the role of religion in contemporary Southeast Asia and the evolution of the Islamic state in Indonesia.

What Is Democracy?


Democracy is a form of government that allows citizens to participate in shaping the policies and laws that govern their country. It is based on the principle of equality among people and respect for their free will and free speech. It is also characterized by the separation of powers and a constitution that limits the power of government. This system of governance is known for its stability and enables citizens to hold their elected leaders accountable.

The word “democracy” first appeared in the 5th century BC in classical Athens, in contrast to the aristocratic rule of an elite class. It was viewed as the best political system to ensure the equality of all citizens and provide them with the ability to express their opinions and needs freely.

There are different types of democratic governments, including republics and presidential systems. They vary in the extent to which citizens have control over government policy and institutions. It is important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all model of democracy. Each nation’s democratic system is unique to its culture and history.

Regardless of the type of democracy, all countries should strive to uphold the principles of democracy and ensure that citizens can participate in civic responsibility, such as voting, volunteering and public discourse. Democracies that have the highest levels of citizen engagement are usually more stable and can respond quickly to crises.

While there are many benefits to democracy, it is important to note that it can be difficult for democratic governments to address complex issues such as inequality and poverty. There are many competing interests in society, and it is sometimes challenging to balance the needs of all groups. It is vital that all voices are heard and that there is a process of compromise and understanding.

It is also essential to remember that democracy is a process of continual improvement, and that there is always room for change. The goal should be to improve the quality of democracy and its capacity to uphold human rights, provide opportunity and security, and promote peace and prosperity.

In order for elections to be considered democratic, they must be held in a safe and secure environment that is free of violence, intimidation, fraud, and corruption. They must be open to all political parties and candidates, and they should be conducted by an independent electoral commission that is able to observe the entire election process. It is also necessary for voters to be able to vote in secret, and to have their votes counted in a way that is free from interference.

It is also critical for elected officials at the national and local levels to listen to their constituents and be responsive to their concerns. This will make them more apt to accept decisions made by their constituents and help to reduce civil disobedience and social unrest. It is also vital that elections are held at regular intervals so that those in office can be held to account for their actions by citizens.

Democracy in America – Building a Pro-Democracy Social Movement

democracy in america

When Alexis de Tocqueville arrived in America in 1835, few Europeans had much idea of how democratic government worked. His book, Democracy in America, is the work to which political commentators of every stripe still turn to see what American democracy looks like and how it functions in practice.

The book was a landmark work of history, social science, and politics, but it’s not the only way to learn from this extraordinary experiment in self-government. There are many more ways to study the health of American democracy, including looking at how citizens respond to new challenges in their communities and identifying what kinds of policies will best preserve or improve it.

One important way to do so is to build a movement that brings together unlikely allies. Right and left, minorities and law enforcement, evangelical Christians and nonreligious individuals, younger Americans and older voters, businesses and unions—all must be positive, active or passive parts of a broad-based prodemocratic social movement.

This will require a strong effort to meet people where they are and address the concrete problems that threaten them. This might mean eschewing national messages and issues in favor of local change that focuses on reducing polarization and violent incidents and building resilience to natural disasters or other crises. A local focus can also help to defang cultural wedge issues such as schooling, climate change, and immigration.

It will be essential to address the sense of status loss and the lack of dignity that is driving many people to lose faith in democracy. This will require a careful study of how to reframe the narrative about why America is falling apart, one that does not simply blame individual groups for their troubles but rather sees the long-term problems of polarization and diminished faith in democracy’s ability to deliver on the promise of a better life.

Finally, it will be necessary to study what alterations in America’s economic structure might strengthen its democracy and help overcome feelings that the system is rigged. While government redistribution programs may not alleviate the problem of rising inequality, closing loopholes for the wealthy and ensuring that plutocrats are paying their fair share of taxes will help to mitigate the effects of status anxiety on democracy.

Most importantly, the prodemocratic community must recognize that the authoritarian movement is cultivating a story that puts men, Christians, and White people at the top of a status hierarchy. It’s critical to understand how this unifying narrative pulls some individuals within these groups closer together—but to prevent them from bonding further with the authoritarians, it will be necessary to offer a positive alternative vision of the country. This is a monumental task, but it’s the only way to restore faith in democracy. Rachel Kleinfeld is a senior fellow in Carnegie’s Democracy, Conflict and Governance Program. She is a leading expert on democratization and international security. She previously served as a co-director of the U.S.-Korea Policy Forum and a deputy director of the Carnegie Endowment for Democracy.

Freedom Review – What Does Freedom Mean to You?

Freedom is a powerful, intuitive app that can help you to increase your productivity and get work done. It has several features that make it a great choice for writers, students, researchers, software developers, and marketers who use digital devices to do their work. It’s available for Mac, Windows, Android, and iOS. The app blocks apps, websites, and even the internet for a set period of time, allowing you to focus on your work. The app also offers a seven-day free trial without the need to provide your credit card details.

While Freedom is an excellent time tracking and blocking tool, it’s not the only option. There are other similar apps like FocusMe that offer a few more features, and some that offer greater device compatibility. Nonetheless, Freedom is still a good choice because it offers a lot of the same features as other popular productivity tools, including the ability to sync all your sessions across multiple devices.

What is the meaning of freedom? The word freedom is often used to describe a person’s capacity to pursue their own desires without external interference. However, true freedom is more than a person’s capacity to do whatever they want. Rather, true freedom is being able to choose what they should do in the first place.

The concept of freedom is complex and can be interpreted differently by different people. For some, it means being able to think, speak, and act as one pleases without restrictions from others. For others, it is being able to do what they need to do to survive. In the modern world, this notion of freedom is often reflected in political activism and the fight against systemic racism and poverty.

To explore these ideas, we asked a group of community members what freedom meant to them at this most unusual of times. We asked them to reflect on their perceptions of freedom during the coronavirus pandemic and the ongoing battle against systemic oppression.

In a classroom setting, this exercise can be done as an activity where students are divided into small groups. Each group is assigned a different freedom from the list we created as a collective. The groups then create two frozen representations of society: the first should show a society that practices their assigned freedom, and the second should show a society that does not practice that freedom.

The Freedom website is easy to navigate and the sign up process is straightforward. You start off with a form that asks for your name, email address and the number of devices you plan to use the app on. Then you’re prompted to select from a variety of pricing options. You can either choose a monthly subscription for $6.99 or a yearly subscription for $2.42 a month (that’s the one I signed up for) or you can pay “forever” for a one-off payment of $129, which is what I did.

Once you’ve signed up, you can access the software from your dashboard on the Freedom website. From there, you can download the app for Windows or macOS from the Freedom dashboard and follow the on-screen prompts to install it on your computer. Once the installation is complete, you can launch the app from your taskbar or menu bar and begin using it immediately.

The Nature and Development of Law

Law shapes politics, economics and history in many ways, and serves as a mediator of relations between people. It is a key subject for scholarly inquiry into legal history, philosophy, sociology and economic analysis, as well as raising complex issues about equality and justice.

A fundamental aspect of law is the process by which it comes into existence. The creation of a law starts with a bill being introduced to a committee in the House of Representatives and, if approved, then sent to the Senate where it can be debated and voted on. If the law is passed by both houses, it is sent to the President who has 10 days to sign the bill into law or veto it.

In addition, the law is a socially constructed concept that is influenced by the beliefs and values of the people who make it up. This can be seen in the fact that the laws of different nations differ substantially.

Another important feature of the law is the way in which it is enforced. A key part of this is the role of the courts, which are responsible for interpreting and applying the law to individual cases. The courts also play a crucial role in the maintenance of the rule of law by ensuring that the law is followed and that those who break the rules are punished.

The judicial community is not, however, immune from the same pitfalls as other groups. Its ideals of objectivity are frequently at odds with the realities that it confronts, such as the poor concordance between the expectation that a homeless defendant and a wealthy one will receive similar outcomes in court and the actual results of judging.

As a result, a significant area of study is the nature and development of law, both as an institution and as a process, including its relationship to society and politics. For example, there is a growing concern about whether the modern military, policing and bureaucracies are subject to the same laws as the rest of society.

In general, law encompasses all the rules that govern a people or a group of people. It can be divided into civil and criminal law. Civil law includes the legal rights of citizens, such as those to property, freedom and privacy. It also includes the rights of people who are not citizens, such as the right to travel abroad. Criminal law focuses on punishments for behaviour considered harmful to the interests of society and the individual. It can also include the law of war. Moreover, the law of commerce is concerned with the rules that govern commercial relationships, such as the free movement of goods and capital, and the laws of evidence determine which materials are admissible in court cases. All of these subjects are essential for a comprehensive understanding of the law. However, it should be noted that the subjects that are included in law extend far beyond this list.

Building Democracy in Indonesia

Building democracy in a large, multiethnic, and religiously diverse country like indonesia is not a linear process. During the first three decades of democracy, Indonesia had a mixed record of progress and backsliding. But since 1999, the country has established a pattern of peaceful handovers of power between rival political parties. Today, the majority of indonesia’s voters say they are satisfied with the state of democracy. The broader question is whether this democratic system can sustain the challenges that are now afflicting the nation, which are not unique to indonesia but reflect trends seen across much of the world.

The underlying strength of indonesia’s democracy lies in the fact that the vast majority of people who vote are affiliated with a party, and almost all of them participate in civic activities on some level. In a 2018 survey, 69% of indonesia’s citizens said they were likely to take action on any number of issues—including poverty, education, and the environment—by contacting an election official or participating in demonstrations. Roughly six-in-ten said they would also write a letter to a newspaper editor or post their opinions about social issues online.

In addition, many indonesia’s citizens have access to a wide range of civil society groups focused on the defense of democracy and human rights. These include a multitude of religious and nongovernmental organizations, as well as a number of private foundations with broad charitable missions. In the past, civil society has been a significant force behind the reforms that have strengthened indonesia’s democratic institutions.

But in the years that preceded the 1998 fall of Suharto’s New Order regime, the defining characteristic of indonesia’s politics was conflict and division. Attempts by the regime to manage these divisions failed. For example, when protesters gathered in the streets of Jakarta during Suharto’s final days as president, his aides urged him to use military force against them. He eventually resigned, realizing that his choice to confront the protesters would have unleashed an inexorable tide of violence.

The current political landscape remains divided along ideological and regional lines. The two major Islamic political parties—the National Awakening Party (PKB) and Nahdlatul Ulama’s National Democratic Party (PBB)—straddle the middle of the ideological spectrum and are more tolerant of cultural and religious diversity than other contemporary political parties. By contrast, the main political rival of president Jokowi—opposite presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto’s Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra)—is more ideologically extreme and is based on the patronage of wealthy oligarchs who control much of indonesia’s economy.

These divisions are exacerbated by the fact that electoral laws and management bodies are often perceived as biased in favor of incumbent parties or partisan interests. In addition, the Supreme Court’s authority to review law and rule on constitutional matters is limited and not always exercised in a transparent or fair manner. This limits the ability of the Supreme Court to uphold democracy and protect Indonesians’ rights.