Many people believe that democracy means rule by the masses. Others think that democracy means representative government by the masses, but in reality, democracy is much more complex than either of these conceptions. In fact, a representative government by the masses might work well, but it wouldn’t be called democracy. In a truly democratic form of government, the masses make the laws by voting, but every citizen has an equal right to vote. The governments must be responsive to the wishes of the masses, because they represent the future of the country.
Of course, representative democracy has been practiced throughout history, and in many countries it still is practiced today. There are many examples of representative democracy: Thailand, Canada, Australia, Ireland, the Netherlands, Greece, Italy, and Switzerland are a few of the many countries where a representative form of democracy is practiced. In these societies, the government is directly elected by the people through voting, with each of the representatives having the same constitutional rights as all other citizens. In a pure democracy, one can have a dictatorial government by being elected and sitting in the House of Representatives and the Senate, making decisions for the masses with no input from the masses.
In a representative democracy, citizens can choose which representative will represent them and take part in the legislature, with the rest of the population consisting of voters. The citizens have the right to free speech and the right to participate in the political process at any level. In a true democracy, citizens have a right to peacefully protest any measure or law that they don’t agree with, and they have the right to publicly criticize officials, both the government and its current leaders.
These types of societies have low levels of private property, low levels of freedom of speech and religion, and high levels of corruption. Citizens are required to follow the rules of the society, and cannot question the legitimacy of the government. A democracy is rarely a peaceful existence, and often ends up being bloody due to competing interests, corruption, violence, and power struggles among the members of the population. In most cases, a democracy will fail within a few years. A democracy is often called a “world religion” because it requires a large group of people to voluntarily share their lives with another.
The word democracy comes from the Greek word demos, which means “of the demos,” which is to “the common good.” In other words, the demos are the masses, who are able to make the decisions for the country. Today, many people believe that the word democracy is obsolete, and that nations with a higher degree of democracy have more prosperity. However, the demos still have an important role in our everyday lives, and without the demos we would not be able to realize the freedoms that we enjoy today.
There are three main types of democracy: indirect democracy, direct democracy, and representative democracy. Indirect democracy is composed of indirect suffrage, which allows representatives to be chosen by the people through a process called “elections.” Direct democracy gives power to the people, directly voting for representatives. Finally, representative democracy, which is the opposite of direct democracy, gives power to representatives of a certain political party, but not necessarily directly voting.