Freedom is the power of a sentient being to exert his or her will. We exercise our will to reach a desired goal, and when we do, our thoughts and efforts bend toward that end. Freedom is the capacity to work toward achieving a goal, and in a perfect world, every sentient being would have this ability. While this ideal would be realized in the form of a Buddha or supreme God, freedom is also bounded by personal and external limitations.
During the activity, students divide into groups of four to five students. Each group is given one freedom and 10 minutes to create two frozen representations of the society in which they practice that freedom. Both versions of the tableau must have everyone in them. In both cases, the group must use levels and spacing to demonstrate relationships and power. In addition, students should include all members of the society they created in order to provide a more complete picture. Freedom is a fundamental right of every human being and a necessity for all people to enjoy their lives.
The first concept of freedom in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason is the transcendental will. This idea of freedom requires a will that is separate from the causal system of the physical world. The freedom that this concept suggests is achieved through external world action that breaks the chain of physical causes. In other words, action requires a different faculty than thought. Thought cannot extend into the realm of action. Therefore, Kant’s conception of freedom is a complex one.
The freedom of speech and association is closely related. They both protect specific public interests, as well as the rights of others. While a government may restrict a person’s freedom of speech, restrictions must be reasonable and proportionate. And they must be subject to an appeals process to ensure their sanctity. If restrictions on freedom of speech or expression are not reasonable, they are not constitutional. And in addition to limiting freedom of speech, the government can also impose restrictions on expression and peaceful assembly.
Free expression is the foundation of self-fulfillment and is necessary for self-government. It is the most fundamental right that every member of society has, and deserves to be protected as such. A free press allows the American people to be the masters of their own destiny. It allows them to access all ideas and information, as well as express their opinions. Mass ignorance is a breeding ground for oppression. That’s why it is so important to exercise freedom of expression.
Although early American citizens enjoyed great freedom compared to other nations, even our Constitution’s framers sometimes overstepped the bounds of the First Amendment when they were in power. The Federalist Party used the Alien and Sedition Act to prosecute prominent Republican newspaper editors during the French-Indian War. The Supreme Court has never upheld an injunction on speech on national security grounds. Fortunately, the courts have generally recognized the legitimate interest of governments in keeping information secret.