Strengthening Democracy in Indonesia

democracy in indonesia

In the years since its emergence as a democracy, Indonesia has displayed signs of maturation. It has a stable economy, a vibrant parliament and progress on professional reform of the police and military. But there is growing concern that the country’s democracy has reached a critical turning point, exacerbated by the president’s own actions and the behavior of other influential elites.

The upcoming presidential election provides an opportunity to test the strength of democratic institutions in Indonesia. But the lack of competitive campaigns and meaningful public debate about important dilemmas will benefit the political and business elites that have consolidated power in the country. Without a robust opposition and a more engaged civil society, the upcoming elections are unlikely to discipline the elites that have seized control of the state.

As the world grapples with an increasingly populist, religiously polarized politics, the Indonesian experience shows how a democracy’s success depends on a variety of factors, not least the ability to withstand challenges to free speech and freedom of association. Indonesia’s laws against blasphemy and defamation have had a chilling effect on the expression of views that criticize politicians or state policies. Many Indonesians have also been intimidated, threatened, or even criminalized for protesting against the government.

In a country of 260 million people, where many of the voters have only recently become citizens, the right to free speech and association is especially fundamental to a democracy. Yet the freedom to express one’s opinions has been under attack in recent months, as politicians and their allies have resorted to narrowly defined threats and astroturfing tactics against opponents and independent voices.

The resurgence of exclusivist, polarizing political campaigns has exacerbated the gulf between the incumbent Jokowi and his supporters on the left and the Islamist and pluralist parties that oppose him. Moreover, the Jokowi administration’s repressive tactics and crackdown on protesters has reinforced the political divide and weakened the country’s fragile democratic institutions.

The ruling party’s reversion to indirect regional elections in 2022 is a dangerous setback for the country. Direct elections give voters the opportunity to choose local leaders in a range of quality and competence. Indirect elections, which were used during the New Order dictatorship and during the early years of democratization, do not provide the same level of choice for voters and do not promote accountable governance. Indirect elections will not only limit the ability of local leaders to address specific problems, but they could also entrench patronage, which undermines democratic principles of equality and transparency. Instead, the government should commit to strengthening the transparency of its electoral system and implementing a fair and comprehensive policy on political financing and bribery.

The Essential Features of a Democracy

Democracy is a political system that relies on the active participation of all citizens to decide and implement policies. It is based on an equality of all people, men and women, before the law and guarantees fundamental freedoms such as liberty, security and human development. Democracy is one of the most important and enduring ideas about freedom. It is also a set of practices and procedures that have been shaped by a rich history of trial and error.

There are many different types of democracies, and it is important not to compare them unnecessarily or to take an absolutist view of what a democracy should look like. Rather, we should be concerned with whether a country has the time-tested fundamentals of constitutional government and democracy in practice.

In addition to free and fair elections, the essential features of a democracy are:

Democracies that respect the freedom and rights of all people and support their equal and full participation in society have good governance and sustainable economic development. They are governed by principles such as the rule of law, the separation of powers and the independence of parliament and the judiciary from the executive branch. The UN promotes these principles for all countries, regardless of their specific models of democracy.

One of the most important factors in the health of a democracy is public participation. This requires active citizenship, a culture of dialogue and compromise, and trust in society and its institutions. The participation of young people is especially crucial, as the next generation represents a significant proportion of the population.

Another essential factor is the rule of law, which provides legal certainty and ensures the equality and dignity of all people. It includes respect for fundamental freedoms, including the right to assembly and association (UDHR Article 20), which allows people to express their views freely, even if those views are inconvenient for governments. It also includes the right to protest, which is important if people disagree with decisions that have been made by politicians or other powerful actors in their societies.

A democratic society must be transparent and accountable to its citizens, which is why it is necessary for citizens to have access to information about government decisions and performance. It is also vital that they can hold government leaders to account, and this can be achieved through a strong media and independent judiciary.

Democracies that encourage the spread of ideas about how to make better decisions — for example, through educational opportunities and new technologies — are more likely to be healthy and resilient. Democracy also does better in economies that are broadly diversified, as opposed to those that depend on a single natural resource. The health of a democracy can be undermined when the expectations of rising prosperity are disappointed, as happened in Italy and Germany in the 1920s and ’30s and Egypt before the military coup in 2013. This creates incentives to pursue political change through radical extremism, undermining the checks and balances that help to limit abuse by those who gain power in democratic elections.

Democracy in America – A Warning to the World

democracy in america

The US has been using the concept of democracy as a tool to advance its geopolitical agenda and counter human development and progress. It monopolizes the definition of democracy, instigates division and confrontation in the name of democracy and undermines the UN-centered international system and global governance based on international law.

The ills of the American political system are a warning to the world. Its democratic pretensions and dysfunctional politics reveal a profound lack of national spirit and public interest. The country is plagued by money politics, political polarization and the widening gulf between the rich and the poor.

This year, the squabbling in Washington over election fraud, media censorship and other issues shows that American democracy is in a serious state of crisis. Many Americans feel disillusioned with the political system and pessimistic about the future of their country.

According to a poll, 65% of American adults think that their country needs major reforms, and 57% believe the US is no longer a model of democracy. It is clear that the US has lost its sense of democratic responsibility and governance, and the public has little faith in the government’s ability to push forward reforms or address electoral justice and media fraud.

Moreover, the squabbling in Washington and partisan bickering in the US Senate have severely eroded the basic institutions that underpin democracy. The Supreme Court has been hijacked by public opinion and reduced to a battleground for political warfare, and the separation of powers has broken down. This is a direct violation of the Constitution and the fundamental principles of democracy.

As the US Congress remains trapped in a filibuster, the country cannot take up legislation and address changes in society. The Electoral College system has turned the presidential election into a game of numbers and political manipulation, and the constitutionally guaranteed right to free speech is increasingly being undermined by partisanship. The US media, dominated by conglomerates and profit-driven, deprives people of access to diversified information and distorts the truth, alienating the masses from public affairs and further undermining democratic mechanisms.

The US’s arrogant attitude towards democracy in the world has provoked widespread criticism and rejection. Its hegemonistic strategy of imposing its model of democracy has only led to chaos and disaster in other countries. It is high time that the US stopped using democracy as a tool for its own power games and recognized that it should not play bloc politics or divide the world into democracies and non-democracies. Rather, it should pragmatically reassess its diplomatic methods and focus on cooperation instead of confrontation. This would benefit the US itself and the rest of the world. What our world needs is not another summit to debate democracy but a real process of cooperation, not confrontation. Otherwise, the squabbling in Washington will exacerbate the political polarization and democratic crisis in America, leaving the world without a true model of democracy. This is what is at stake in 2022, a year of doubt for democracy.

What Does Freedom Mean to You?


Freedom is a value that has been deeply rooted in society throughout history. It is an ideal that people strive for, and it is something that many have fought for and lost their lives to attain. Freedom means having the power to make your own choices and to live life on your terms. It allows you to express your own opinions and follow your passions. It is also the right to be free from discrimination and to be able to travel and explore new places. Freedom can also be enchanting when it comes to nature and the environment around us.

According to Kant, true freedom is the ability for one to be able to pursue his or her goals without interference from external sources. Freedom requires a degree of self-control and discipline in order to be fully realized. It is also important to remember that freedom does not mean that you can violate the rights of others.

This is especially important to remember in this most unusual of years where we are experiencing unprecedented levels of uncertainty and disruption as a result of the coronavirus pandemic and systemic racism across our nation and beyond. In this unique moment in time, we reached out to our community to find out what the concept of freedom means to them. Their answers are a reminder that freedom is a personal experience and that it can be interpreted differently in each individual’s lifetime.

Many people use the term “freedom” to describe a set of rights, and most of these rights are related to individual liberty. These include freedom of speech — the right to communicate with others as you choose; freedom of association — the right to form or join clubs, societies, trade unions, or political parties with whomever you wish; and freedom of assembly — the right to organize and participate in public meetings or demonstrations. These are some of the most well-known and widely recognized freedoms, and they often feature prominently on flags or on paintings, such as Norman Rockwell’s Four Freedoms.

For those who struggle with distraction, Freedom is an excellent tool to use in order to eliminate them and focus on the tasks at hand. It is an app that allows you to block a list of websites and apps for a certain amount of time, and you can even block the entire internet if you need to work offline. It is available for several desktop and mobile platforms, including Mac, iOS, Android, and Chrome, and is completely safe to download with no malware or viruses.

This is a great tool for those who have trouble with their work habits and find themselves distracted by social media or other time-wasting websites. It has the ability to allow you to create a focused “blocked” session for a specific amount of time, and you can use preset block lists to help get you started. Using this app can help you break bad habits, increase productivity, and be a lot more effective at what you do.

The Benefits of a Law Degree


Law is the system of rules and decisions that governs a society. It covers a wide range of topics, from contract law and property law to taxation laws and civil rights. The laws of a country can be complex, but they provide a framework for fair and equal treatment. There are also international laws that can help regulate trade and protect citizens around the world. The laws of nature, for example, are a set of scientific rules that show how natural processes work.

The legal system is a complex entity that involves many different fields, from criminal law and corporate law to family and environmental law. The study of law is not easy and requires a high level of understanding and excellent analytical skills. There are many benefits to a career in law, and it can be an excellent choice for those interested in intellectual challenges.

Prestige & Respect

Lawyers are often highly esteemed in their fields, and they have the opportunity to be respected leaders. They also have the power to change the world in a positive way by fighting for justice and helping make societies more fair and equal.

Career Flexibility

There are a variety of career options available to lawyers, including private practice, corporate positions and the judiciary. Law graduates can choose to specialize in a number of areas, such as business law, environmental law and intellectual property law. They can even start their own businesses or become self-employed.

A Law Degree Gives You Demonstrable Critical Thinking & Decision-Making Skills

In addition to their technical knowledge, law students develop a strong understanding of the human element in a courtroom. This enables them to understand the needs of their clients and deliver quality service. Additionally, they develop strong communication skills and sharp problem-solving abilities. This allows them to adapt well in a variety of situations or career transitions.

The law is not always able to keep pace with the advancement of society. The reason for this is that the law tends to be rigid and suffers from excessive formalism (greater emphasis placed on the form of a law rather than its substance). It may also be too complex.

The ideal legal system should be flexible and constantly adjust itself according to the needs of society. It should be based on the principle of the rule of law, which is a durable system of laws, institutions, norms and community commitment to ensure that government and private actors are accountable and that people have access to fair and impartial justice. It is a principle that dates back to ancient scholars and resonates in most major legal traditions. This system is based on four universal principles: accountability, just law, open government and accessible and impartial justice. It is essential for a healthy society. The rule of law is also the foundation for a global community that delivers peace and prosperity. It is a goal that we should all strive for.

The Fragility of Democracy in Indonesia

democracy in indonesia

The Indonesian political system has been through numerous changes since the fall of Suharto’s authoritarian regime in 1998, transforming it to be more pluralist and to empower citizens with greater participation. The current system consists of a national parliament (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat; DPR), an executive branch of government (Yusuf Kallas; YK) and a supreme court (Deptutan Kesehatan Nasional, or DPN).

Despite these reforms, the country remains plagued by infighting among political parties and a culture of tolerance for autocratic rule. Moreover, the state has not yet been able to establish itself as a credible source of law and order or of economic development. These problems contribute to low democracy scores and an increasing number of cases of electoral fraud.

One of the reasons for this is that Indonesia’s asymmetrical party system has allowed for a proliferation of catchall parties with ideologically diverse support bases, many of which were established by former generals and wealthy oligarchs to fulfill their personal political ambitions. This has led to a vicious cycle of vote-buying, bribery and corruption that has undermined the integrity of the system.

The polarization of politics has also made it difficult to govern effectively, even with the majority coalition in power. During the run-up to the 2019 election, for example, President Jokowi and his rival Prabowo Subianto negotiated a deal that seemed to ease acrimony in a highly polarized political climate. The deal included appointing Prabowo as minister of defense and his party, Gerindra, joining the ruling coalition.

This political stalemate also underscores the difficulty of implementing Indonesia’s constitutional system. Indonesia’s constitution outlines the separation of powers (trias politica), separating the legislative, judicial and executive branches of the government. The parliamentary body, the DPR, has the responsibility for interpreting the constitution and setting broad lines of policy. However, the DPR is not always able to function effectively because of infighting between political groups, conflicts of interest and political manipulation.

A third reason for the fragility of democracy in indonesia is the prevailing culture of tolerance for authoritarian rule. A World Values Survey indicates that 1 in 5 Indonesians believe that it is acceptable for the military to take control when a civilian government acts incompetently. Despite the government’s repeated emphasis on the importance of democratic values, there is still a widespread perception that it is more convenient for the military to take over when necessary than for politicians to compromise or for ordinary people to challenge entrenched power networks.

Lastly, the political leadership of indonesia has not been sufficiently focused on building a genuine democracy, focusing instead on economic growth and limiting the role of the state. In addition, civic activists are too weak to pose significant challenges to predatory interests or change the balance of power within society. This has made it easy for oligarchic and religious interests to manipulate popular discourses on democracy.

What Does Democracy Mean to You?


Democracy is a powerful idea that has inspired some of the most eloquent expressions of human courage and intellect – from Pericles in ancient Athens to Vaclav Havel in modern Czech Republic, Thomas Jefferson in the US in 1776 and Andrei Sakharov in the Soviet Union in 1989. It is a concept that has also been misunderstood and mistreated by totalitarian regimes and military dictatorships that have feigned democratic credentials to attract support.

Democracy has different meanings for people depending on their personal perspectives and experiences. This is why it is so important to keep asking people what democracy means to them – how it is perceived and practiced in their societies. The definition of democracy has evolved over time and in different ways across countries. The underlying principle is that people have the right to govern themselves in a way that fulfils their aspirations for freedom, opportunity and social justice.

In a democracy, there is direct participation by all citizens in decision making at all levels of government through elections. This can be through directly electing representatives to make laws on their behalf, or by giving their views about policy issues to a representative body and having those represented. There is the right to free assembly, association, movement and religious belief. People have the right to privacy and their property is protected. Opposing ideas are tolerated and listened to in Parliament and society, and it is possible to stand for election as a candidate. Laws are fair and clearly written and protect people’s rights.

It is also possible for citizens to have a say about how their government is run in many other ways besides voting. They can join lobby groups, protest and campaign groups to change policies or hold governments accountable. They can take part in civil society organisations, such as environmental or women’s groups. They can talk to their elected representatives, or they can make their opinions known through the media. It is crucial for democracy to have as many channels as possible for people to participate.

However, if only a small percentage of adults vote every 4 or 5 years and do nothing else in between, then it is hard to argue that the association is really democratic. It may be a democracy, but it is not a democracy in the same sense as a republic or a monarchy.

In the survey that I conducted, I used the questions on what is important for democracy the ESS developed already and added some additional ones that were derived from the 3-fold distinction between the concepts of freedom, equality and control, and also some economic elements. I also included a question in which people could rank how important they think each of the different dimensions is for democracy. The result is shown in the table below.

Democracy in America – Is Democracy Still Working in America?

democracy in america

Democracy is a word that has a wide range of connotations. For some it is a thing that has been established yet now finds itself threatened, for others it is seen as an ideal that can be compromised by the empowered few. In the United States, where constituencies across the political spectrum believe that their voices have gone unheard, democracy has become a term wielded in so many directions that it is difficult to grasp.

Amid the gunshots and farce on Capitol Hill, the question has arisen whether democracy is working in America at all. A recent online Wall Street Journal article notes that the public is increasingly disenchanted with democracy. In fact, a recent poll found that only 16% think that democracy works well or extremely well, and that 48% think it isn’t functioning at all.

This is a troubling development. The US framers designed a political system to defend democracy and freedom at the time of its founding, and they envisioned that a democratic government was the best means for governing a complex country with a diverse population. Yet, democracy has departed from its original design and is adrift in troubled waters.

In the US, money politics, identity politics, wrangling between political parties, political polarization and racial tensions are all undermining democracy. The US has also adopted a “vetocracy” where politicians are more preoccupied with securing their partisan interests than in advancing the nation’s common good. This has resulted in diminished government efficacy, trampled laws and regulations, stifled economic development and social division.

The US has also used democracy as a cover for meddling in other countries’ internal affairs and seeking regime change to install pro-US governments. These actions have been at odds with the core values and tenets of democracy and have led to chaos, conflict and war.

De la democratie en Amérique (of Democracy in America) is a classic French work by Alexis de Tocqueville that examines the nature of democracy in the United States. It is a two-volume book that was originally published in 1835 and 1840, and it became widely read as people debated liberalism and equality in the 19th century.

The book is a study of the way the American society functions with its institutions, and how it has developed from an aristocratic system to a democracy. Tocqueville writes that the fundamental elements of a democratic society include a constitutional guarantee of citizens’ expression, associational and property rights, the existence of a multi-party system, regular order in legislative decision making, avenues for citizens to limit corruption, and a free press.

It is clear that the world needs to conduct some soul-searching about democracy, and this should include the United States itself. If the US is going to serve as a model for other nations, it must ensure that its own democracy is not in peril. To do so, it must restore the balance between voice and equality in the Constitution, eliminate its legacy of racism, and make democracy more transparent and accessible to all Americans.

The Importance of Freedom


The word freedom is commonly associated with liberty and autonomy in the sense of being able to do whatever one wishes without being restrained by other people. In the context of politics, freedom is often used to differentiate democratic countries from dictatorships. It is also a common topic of debate, with people divided over whether all races, religions, genders, and social classes should have equal freedom or if some groups are more deserving than others.

The definition of freedom has changed over time and the meaning differs widely depending on the context in which it is used. It can be a metaphysical and moral concept, as well as an economic and political concept. Regardless of its exact definition, freedom is considered to be an important value that all humans should have the opportunity to attain, as it provides the means by which we can reach our full potential.

According to the dictionary, freedom is a condition that allows a person to act as they choose, without being bound by compulsion or control. However, there are always constraints on a person’s ability to act freely, and how much freedom someone actually has depends on the nature of these constraints. Constraints may require a person to discipline their actions in certain ways, such as when a law against vandalism is enforced.

A more abstract concept of freedom is one that is not dependent on any specific circumstances, but instead relates to a person’s mental or emotional state. This can be described as being completely untied to any specific thing or situation, or having complete psychological and physical independence.

In the context of human rights, freedom is generally viewed as the ability to live as one wants, with respect for the rights of others. This can include freedom of religion, speech, movement, and conscience. It also includes the right to have property, work, education, and medical care. In the case of human rights, the idea of freedom is closely tied to the concept of dignity.

To achieve this, it is vital to create a culture that supports the values of freedom and equality. This can be done by encouraging a culture of respect for the uniqueness and dignity of every person, and by promoting the equality of opportunity for all.

It is also important to teach children the importance of freedom and how it can be maintained, as well as the need for everyone to take responsibility for maintaining the values that support freedom. The key is to promote a culture of respect, not tolerance, for all views and beliefs, and to provide the tools for children to express their own opinions. This way, they will learn how to be active citizens and help build a democracy that is free from prejudice.

What Is Law?


Law is the set of rules created by a society that governs its members’ activities and behavior. Its purposes include ensuring that everyone is treated fairly, providing for orderly social change, and punishing wrongdoers. Law also serves to preserve individual rights and freedoms and to ensure that government, police, and other public officials obey the rules.

While the law is largely set by judges and the legislature, it is also heavily influenced by popular opinion. The term “law” is generally used to refer to legal decisions, but it also can refer to a general principle or set of principles embodied in a constitution or statute. Laws and rules can apply to a wide range of topics, from crimes and civil rights to property and contracts.

The laws of a nation can be divided into three broad categories: statutory, case law, and custom. Statutory law is a collection of formal laws passed by legislatures. Case law is a collection of court decisions that is binding on courts with the power to review them. Custom, on the other hand, is a set of norms that develop through the collective consciousness of a society and that are superior to legislation.

In the United States, a large proportion of the law is based on case law. The rest of the law is derived from the federal and state constitutions and statutes. A few areas, such as aviation and railroads, have extensive federal law that preempts almost all state law. But many areas, including insurance and family law, have a mixture of state and federal law.

Some philosophers have offered a number of theories about the nature of law. Hans Kelsen, for example, offers a theory of law that sees it as a ‘normative science’ that defines certain rules to abide by. Other philosophers have suggested that the law is not a set of specific rules to be followed, but is rather something that is organic and emerges from people’s consciences.

Law is an important part of any society. It enables people to interact peacefully, settle disputes, and promote progress. It is one of the most fundamental parts of a democracy and a key element in a functioning, prosperous economy. Law also helps to maintain individual rights, and it provides a framework for governing the actions of governments, public officials, and the military. A society without a strong, stable, and well-respected law would quickly descend into chaos. Some societies, however, have trouble maintaining lawful order, and their laws may oppress minorities or limit social changes. Law is also the subject of many academic and professional fields, including law schools, jurisprudence, and legal research. Law is a broad and diverse field, and it is important to study the many different perspectives that are available.