How to Write a Legal Article

Law is the system of rules that a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members. Oxford Reference provides authoritative, accessible definitions and in-depth, specialist encyclopedic coverage across this vast discipline, from criminal and administrative law to taxation and social security laws. It also examines major debates in legal theory and explores how law is created and enforced in different countries around the world.

The term ‘law’ is also used to refer to the principles of conduct that govern particular activities such as sports, business or religion. These rules are often established by a religious authority and bind those who participate in the activity.

For instance, the principles of fair play in sports are a legal rule that are meant to ensure that everyone has an equal chance of winning the game. Similarly, the rules that regulate certain types of businesses are considered laws because they are intended to protect the rights of people and businesses. These laws are based on a system of principles, such as honesty, integrity and good faith.

A legal article can be written on a variety of topics, including the legal implications of certain issues, possible reforms or current developments in the field. It can also discuss the importance of a specific aspect of the legal system, such as its protection of human rights or its role in promoting economic growth. In addition, it can be an opportunity for a writer to voice his/her opinions on a controversial issue and spark discussion among readers.

As a legal scholar, you can also write about a particular court case or lawsuit that has been filed against the government or an individual. This can help to bring public awareness about important legal issues and also highlight the role of the judiciary in a democracy.

Another important area to consider when writing a legal article is the impact that certain laws and policies have on society. The legal industry is a crucial part of any economy, and it can have significant impacts on the way people live and work. By exploring the effects of laws and policies on society, you can help to promote changes in the system that will benefit all parties involved.

Regardless of the country or region in which you live, the law is an essential aspect of any democratic nation-state. It prevents the abuse of political power, ensures that all citizens have access to equal legal rights, and supports stable economies by upholding property rights and facilitating trade and investment. It also serves as the foundation for all other development goals, from poverty reduction to addressing climate change. Without the rule of law, corruption will increase, and access to economic opportunities will be limited to those who are best able to game the system. This will leave the most vulnerable in society unable to afford basic services such as health and education, and will prevent democracy from developing its full potential.

Democracy in Indonesia

Since the fall of General Suharto in 1998, a series of reforms have transformed the world’s third largest democracy—and its largest Muslim democracy—into a mid-performing democracy that is a major oil producer and regional powerhouse. While Indonesia’s economic performance has improved, it still ranks below average in many areas, including civil liberties and judicial independence. Indonesia also faces serious challenges from a rising tide of Islamic populism that is infecting public discourse and political competition.

Does the population have full and unfettered freedom to organize in different competitive political parties or other groupings, and is the system free of undue obstacles that impede their formation? Indonesia’s governing system is characterized by pluralism, as nine parliamentary parties compete in presidential and legislative elections. But the country’s constitution limits a president to two consecutive terms, ensuring a peaceful transfer of power.

The country’s system of government is also democratic in that citizens elect their local executives—provincial governors, district heads, and mayors—via direct balloting. But a legacy of old elites in regional legislatures and collusive horse-trading between parties mean that policy preferences do not always carry weight. Furthermore, a significant degree of economic and judicial corruption inflicts a heavy burden on citizens.

In the 2014 election, the eventual winner, Joko Widodi (better known as Jokowi), ran with a broad coalition of pluralist parties. His rival, Prabowo Subianto, saw this as a weakness and forged alliances with conservative Islamist parties and Islamist individuals that could tap into religious tensions bubbling up from society. Prabowo and his allies portrayed Jokowi as too secular to govern a Muslim-majority nation. This effort was bolstered by an extensive online smear campaign against Jokowi and his family.

While some scholars believe that the mere existence of free and fair elections is sufficient for a regime to be considered a democracy, others take a maximalist approach and argue that true democracies not only guarantee electoral freedom but must also provide guarantees related to other core components of democracy, such as human rights protections, civil liberties, social group equality, and the rule of law. This volume seeks to identify, explain, and debate the signs of a democratic decline in indonesia that include the rise of vigilantism, resurgent state crackdowns on free speech and organization, a deepening of political polarization, and an erosion of checks and balances on executive power. These signs, the contributors to this volume argue, are part of a global pattern of democracy in retreat. The book’s contributors offer a range of explanations for this phenomenon, and discuss ways in which Indonesia can move forward to become a truly democratic country.

The Value of Democracy

Democracy is a complex idea that requires balancing conflicting values. On one hand, it demands equality of all citizens — men and women — to have their views respected equally in public affairs. It also calls for the freedom of expression to challenge authority, develop unconventional ideas and experiment in ways that are not possible in authoritarian societies. On the other hand, it demands the rule of law to protect individuals from being unfairly treated by power centres or the courts. It also advocates fair electoral procedures, competition between candidates and an independent media.

Despite its complexities, democracy is often simplified to ‘rule by the people’ or to ‘one person, one vote’ in a representative parliament. But this is too limited a description of what democracy offers to be an effective moral justification. It ignores the fact that many citizens are excluded from this political process — immigrants without citizenship status, those living outside of the political territory and certain intellectually disabled people. It also excludes those who are not able to make their own choices about how they should be governed, such as children and the elderly.

It also overlooks the fact that democratic governments take into account many different facets of the social fabric when making decisions. For example, decisions about the distribution of wealth affects not only the individual beneficiaries but the entire community. They also impact on patterns of inequality over time and across generations. These decisions are not just about economic policy but about the very foundations of society – justice, equality and transparency, for instance.

These are just some of the issues that must be taken into account to fully appreciate the value of democracy. But there is more. Democracy is a fine balance of a society’s values, which means that it will almost always have room for improvement — for example, more inclusion, more considered judgement and more transparent decision-making. Moreover, a democracy’s health and success depends not only on its institutions but also on the contributions of all citizens — think taxes, voting and respect for others.

Many philosophers have endorsed democracy on the basis that it is best able to exploit the underlying cognitive diversity of its citizens and to uncover their interests and troubles (Dewey 1927). A second epistemic justification for democracy is that it provides an opportunity for citizen input into a collective decision process, even if experts know better how to solve such problems than the masses (Mill and Rousseau).

Finally, some argue that democracy unleashes human potential. As Daron Acemoglu explains, democracies tend to invest more in education and health care, which enable poorer segments of the population to reach their full potential and grow the economy (PDF).

It takes an enormous amount of hard work and sacrifice to create and sustain a democracy but it is worth the effort because it has so much to offer the world. The United Nations supports a range of policies to help promote democracy, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). It is important to remember that this support is not for any particular model of government but for a broader approach to governance that fosters participation, equality, security and human development.

Democracy in America

Democracy in America, the book by Alexis de Tocqueville, is a classic French work that analyzes the nature of democratic government and society. Published in 1835, it shaped 19th-century discussions of liberalism and equality, and is today widely read by politicians, philosophers, scholars and anyone interested in the nature of human rights.

Tocqueville argues that democracy is based on the idea of the rule of the people. To him, democracy is a means for establishing the supremacy of the people and preventing excessive power concentration by limiting the number of people who can hold political office. He also emphasizes the importance of preserving and strengthening traditional values such as religion and family. Tocqueville praised the American tradition of marriage as an example of these values and he was pleased with the strong role played by women in American culture.

But he feared that the American form of democracy could be corrupted by the influx of foreigners. This is because the American political system, which allows for unlimited immigration, is unable to control the population. He also noted that the affluent classes, who are the backbone of the economy, tend to dominate politics and become too influential. As a result, he wrote that the future of democracy in America was uncertain.

In his opinion, the US had to set a clear goal and follow it up in its promotion of democracy around the world. However, the US has been using democracy as a pretext to meddle in other countries’ internal affairs, causing political chaos and social unrest, thus undermining world peace and international stability. This makes many people wonder whether the US is really a democracy.

Today, the self-styled democracy of the United States is gravely ill with money politics, elite rule, partisan polarization and dysfunctional governance. Politicians are preoccupied with securing their partisan interests and they ignore national development. They have become addicted to vetoing, which results in the loss of legislative efficacy and has a detrimental impact on law and justice. Moreover, a vicious cycle of vetoing has emerged in which both parties identify themselves as the other’s enemy. This has exacerbated the divide between the two camps, making the nation a fragmented society.

The world needs to take a closer look at the current state of democracy in the US and the US itself should conduct some soul-searching. In order to uphold the common value of humanity, democracy must not be used as a tool to advance geopolitical agenda and counter human development and progress. We must strive to create a new world order in which the US does not monopolize the definition of “democracy” and instigates conflict and confrontation in other countries. It is time to reclaim the true meaning of democracy and make it serve humanity. To do this, we must first understand the meaning of democracy and the reasons why the US’s vision of democracy has failed. Only then can we move forward with a truly global democratic future.

What Does Freedom Mean to You?

You’re in a conversation with someone about freedom, and you realize that the two of you mean completely different things by the word. This is because there are a lot of different ways to interpret freedom. It is important to have clear definitions in order to discuss any topic thoroughly and without confusion. This is especially true for a topic as broad and important as freedom.

For example, some people view freedom as a state of being where they have the ability to do whatever they want. This could include having the right to vote, live where they choose, travel, or pursue any other goal they may have. For other people, it means that they are free to practice their religion or political beliefs in peace, regardless of others’ views. Freedom is a fundamental concept for many individuals, and it’s something that they fight for on a daily basis.

Some philosophers take a more negative view of freedom, claiming that it is the absence of any restraints at all. The most famous example of this view is that of Hobbes, who argued that a man is free when his impulses are unrestrained. This type of freedom is often referred to as libertarian freedom. It is a common position held by some on the far left and extreme right of the political spectrum.

This view of freedom is not universally accepted, however. For example, Immanuel Kant argued that in order to have real value, freedom must be consistent with itself. In other words, a person must be able to justify their actions with rational principles. This is known as the ‘law of consistency’.

Other philosophers, such as John Locke and George Berkeley, took a more positive approach to the idea of freedom. They argued that a person is not truly free unless they are able to control their emotions and desires. They believed that a person must be able to choose between good and evil.

Individuals can promote freedom by exercising their own rights responsibly, respecting the rights of others, and staying informed about their rights. They can also support systems of government that protect freedoms and encourage civic participation. This will help to create more responsive and inclusive societies. Individuals can also fight for freedom by advocating for laws that protect their rights, and by volunteering their time and resources to organizations that promote freedom. This is a great way to make a difference and ensure that all people have the opportunity to live their best lives.

The Study of Law

The law is a set of rules that a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its people. Laws may be created and enforced by social or governmental institutions to keep the peace, maintain the status quo, protect minorities from majorities, ensure equality, or facilitate orderly social change. Some legal systems serve some of these goals better than others. For example, an authoritarian government may be able to keep the peace and maintain the status quo, but it may oppress minorities or prevent social change.

The study of law encompasses a broad range of subjects, from criminal and constitutional law to family and labor law. The law also involves the different branches of government and how they interact with one another as well as the judicial system. It also includes the major debates in legal theory.

Law can refer to a specific body of rules, such as the code of Hammurabi, or it can be used more broadly to refer to all of a nation’s laws. Some laws are based on religious beliefs or books, such as the Jewish Halakha, Islamic Sharia, and Christian Canon law. Others are based on cultural traditions, such as the customary practice of the family or community in a given area.

When a person breaks a law, they are often punished for it. A court might fine the offender or imprison them. A judge makes a decision about a case by examining the evidence and applying the law to the facts of the situation. Judges usually write an opinion that explains why they have made their decision. Their opinions can be used as a guide to future judges.

The main branches of law include administrative, constitutional, criminal, and civil law. Criminal law focuses on stopping people from breaking the law, while civil law deals with disputes between individuals or organizations. Constitutional law relates to the most important rights of a nation, including the separation of powers between the different branches of government.

There are many fields of law, such as adolescent and juvenile law, aviation law, bankruptcy law, family law, health care law, medical jurisprudence, real estate law, and tax law. Each field has its own governing bodies and regulations.

A lawyer, jurist or attorney is a professional who studies and argues the rules of law. They might specialize in a certain area of law, or they might choose to practice in general civil or criminal courts. Lawyers can also be divided into “transactional” attorneys who prepare contracts and documents, and litigators who defend or prosecute cases in court. A judge is a government official who decides lawsuits brought before the courts.

Democracy in Indonesia

The success of Indonesia’s transition to democracy since the end of Suharto’s dictatorship in 1998 is widely credited to free and fair elections, the strengthening of institutions such as the parliament and courts, and significant progress on corruption. But there are troubling signs that democratic responsiveness to major challenges remains to be tested.

These include a burgeoning wealth gap, uneven health and education services, and the activity of radical sectarian elements. The country’s commitment to a pluralist and tolerant society is also being challenged. The Corruption Eradication Commission has made significant progress in tackling endemic graft, but the military’s continuing ties to the old elite threatens these gains.

In addition, a growing tide of Islamic populism is gaining traction and raising questions about the ability of Indonesia’s democratic system to balance the needs of its Muslim majority with those of minorities. Moreover, the threat of the coronavirus has highlighted weaknesses in the country’s response to public health crises.

Despite these challenges, Indonesians should not be discouraged. The recent rapprochement between Jokowi and former rival Prabowo Subianto offers an encouraging example of how leaders can overcome ideological divisions and regain legitimacy through political compromise. But it is unlikely that this elite-level reconciliation can alter the course of political polarization in the long run, and it may not be enough to counter the growing influence of illiberal forces within and outside the ruling coalition.

One of the most worrisome developments is that senior government and party officials are calling for a return to indirect regional elections. They cite research that claims voters in poorer regions lack the capacity to choose their own leaders directly. But this argument misdiagnoses the source of political malaise in Indonesia, which is more rooted in party-system dysfunction than in voters’ abilities to choose their own governors.

The current system of direct regional elections has been effective in devolving power and giving citizens more say over local governance. It is not inherently more democratic than the indirect polls used to elect local executives in long-standing democracies like Australia, India, and the United States. It would be a step backward to return to this model in Indonesia. Moreover, the government’s plan to develop an index to judge whether regional voters can make independent choices will result in institutionalized discrimination against Indonesians living in poverty. And it would undermine the country’s international commitment to protect citizens’ right to freedom of opinion, including the ability to criticize their public officials and representatives. This right is guaranteed under UUD 1945, which enshrines the principles of democracy.

Justifications For Democracy

Democracy is a form of government in which people have power over the decisions that affect them. The word comes from the Greek words demos (“people”) and kratos (power). It involves the active participation of all members of a society in deciding on laws and policies. This may involve direct referendums on issues or the selection of representatives to make those decisions. It also involves a system of fundamental rights, including the right to vote on issues, the right to have your vote count equally with others’ votes, and the right to gather information.

The most common justification for democracy is that it enables citizens to achieve more of the things they value. This includes economic growth, political freedoms, and a sense of shared identity with other citizens. Moreover, democracy entails a high level of protection for core liberal rights like the right to a fair trial and bodily integrity. In addition, it provides a forum for the peaceful expression of opinions and concerns about public affairs.

While these arguments are generally accepted as morally acceptable, the question remains of whether they apply to the current state of democratic governance. Indeed, most people are dissatisfied with how their societies function. A large majority of citizens believe that elections don’t bring about change, that politicians are corrupt and out of touch with ordinary people, and that the courts do not treat them fairly.

In contrast, a smaller number of people argue that democracy is essential for good life. For example, they argue that democratic governance creates an environment in which people can achieve greater prosperity through trade and open markets, where women have equal rights with men and are free from discrimination, where children are educated, and where all citizens have the right to basic health care.

The defenders of these arguments usually appeal to a variety of epistemic justifications for democracy. They claim that, by engaging in a process of consultation and discussion that uncovers social problems and needs, democracy produces better decisions than other forms of rule. They also claim that it can take advantage of the underlying cognitive diversity of citizens to solve collective problems.

Another group of arguments for democracy focus on the role that the social context and the conceptions of human beings and society from which a political system is developed play in determining its moral legitimacy. They claim that democracy is only morally desirable if it is associated with the requisite levels of urbanization, literacy, and wealth that allow for the kinds of compromises, cooperation, and shared identity required for effective democratic governance.

Finally, the defenders of these arguments claim that democracy is necessary to ensure the protection and fulfillment of people’s core liberties. They point out that a well-functioning democracy is the only one that is likely to provide the kind of support needed for people’s economic and personal lives. It is the only one that will guarantee the equality and security of people’s rights and the dignity of their bodies.

Democracy in America

In a society like ours, democracy in America can be seen as a constant struggle to preserve freedom and equality. However, recent events and polling suggest that American democracy is struggling more than ever before. According to a recent poll, 52% of Americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, 69% are pessimistic about Americans with different political views working together to resolve differences and 48% are dissatisfied with the way their democratic system works. Despite this, the country still holds itself up as a model for other nations to follow.

In this time of heightened political conflict, many are blaming democracy’s failure on big money, the corrosive effects of social media and an overall lack of civic participation. The American system, which enables wealthy individuals and corporations to influence politics and elections through huge political donations, has created an elite class that obstructs true reform. Consequently, the country is becoming more divided than ever and many citizens are losing their sense of democracy.

This book examines the nature of democracy in america, assessing its problems and challenges, and providing a set of tools for readers to evaluate how well our political system is functioning. The editors bring together a diverse range of voices to explore the ways that democratic theory and practice intersect in the United States at this critical moment.

Democracies come in all shapes and sizes, with each one shaped by its own culture, history, and traditions. Nevertheless, they all share some fundamental elements. The most significant of these is the idea that, in a democracy, power rests with the people. This is usually accompanied by a rule of law and a free press. The democratic ideal also promotes open debate and an active citizenry that is involved in self-government.

During his visit to America in the 1830s, de Tocqueville observed that this country was a burgeoning democracy, with public debate and constant elections. Moreover, he believed that Americans had a profound respect for their equal status with each other. As a result, he feared that this democracy could be threatened by social inequality, if citizens became satisfied with their equality and were no longer interested in participating in self-government.

The book’s chapters analyze the relationship between democracy and America from multiple disciplinary perspectives, spanning the vital epochs of the Revolutionary era, the contentious lead-up to the Civil War, and the triumphs and failures of Reconstruction and early reforms. It cultivates, for students and teachers in classrooms, as well as citizens in cafes and libraries, a language to deliberate about the possibilities and limits of democracy in our time. The chapters are organized around a series of enduring democratic dilemmas and questions. The book also includes extensive primary and secondary references to allow readers to pursue their research in greater depth.

Achieve Freedom With an App That Blocks Distractions

Freedom is the power or right to act, think, and change as one wants without hindrance or restraint. It enables creativity, encourages personal and societal growth, and is the foundation of democracy. Freedom is often considered a fundamental human right and is a core value of many religions and cultures.

But what does freedom really look like? There are multiple definitions of freedom, from the right to vote for whatever candidate you choose, to the ability to purchase anything that is legal, to living in any place that you choose without fear of imprisonment. However, the idea of freedom has a deeper meaning that goes beyond these simple concepts.

There is also a sense of freedom that is based on the individual’s inner self and that includes everything from beliefs, to values, to actions. This type of freedom is seen in the right to express oneself and the ability to follow a spiritual path, among other things. This type of freedom is more difficult to define, but it’s equally important in the quest for happiness.

When people talk about freedom, they often think of the freedom to do what you want when you want, as long as it doesn’t infringe on other people. While this is a valid interpretation of freedom, it can be dangerous in practice. There are countless examples of people who abuse their freedom and harm others. These situations can be very complex, and the underlying causes are usually multiple and intertwined.

A more esoteric interpretation of freedom involves the concept of free will, which was popularized by Immanuel Kant in his philosophical works. Kant said that a person’s freedom to choose is only possible when they have an unerring idea of what it means to be happy and a plan for realizing this goal. The ideal expression of freedom would be a god or a Buddha who has an unerring idea of what good is and how to achieve it.

One way to help you achieve this sense of freedom is to use an app that blocks distractions and helps you break bad habits. This is the purpose of an app called Freedom, and it allows you to block a wide variety of websites, apps and even certain features on your device. You can add your own list of sites or select from the preset block lists that include gaming, shopping, socials and more. The app also has a feature that allows you to start a focus session at any time.

You can download Freedom on your iPhone or iPad by visiting the iTunes Store and searching for “freedom”. The app is free to try, and you’ll get seven free blocking sessions before you need to enter a credit card number. After that, you can upgrade to the paid version for a monthly fee of $6.99 or a yearly subscription for $2.42 per month. The app is available for Android devices as well. The installation process is a little different than the iOS version, but it’s still very easy to set up and use.