The Fragile State of Democracy in Indonesia

democracy in indonesia

Despite a period of political reforms, Indonesia remains a fragile democracy. It is still plagued by corruption, poverty, and clustering of wealth at the country’s elite. In addition, the country’s political opportunists and extremist religious groups are poised to exploit social unrest to destabilize the democratic process.

The 1945 constitution provides for a limited separation of executive, legislative and judicial power. The resulting system is sometimes called “presidential with parliamentary characteristics.”

Direct Regional Elections and Their Impact on Politics

One of the most significant political reforms introduced during the Post-Suharto era was the switch from indirect elections that elect local executives to direct ones that vote directly for leaders. The shift was a response to widespread voter frustration over ineffective government and the lack of meaningful input into the national decision-making process.

While direct elections are generally regarded as democratic, they often fall short of delivering on the promise of increased public participation in the democratic process. In addition, they are not free from corruption and vote-buying, which can influence the results of regional polls as well as presidential elections.

Corruption is widespread in Indonesia, and bribes can influence decisions at every level of the legal system. Moreover, there are persistent reports of arbitrary arrests and detentions, particularly in the context of civil and political rights violations.

Legislation that extends libel laws to online media is also a major barrier to press freedom. It criminalizes the distribution of information that is deemed to be “contrary to moral norms” or involved gambling, blackmail or defamation.

The judicial system has also been increasingly compromised by corruption, nepotism and collusion. A number of high-ranking judges were arrested in the surveyed period for corruption, including several Supreme Court justices.

In the face of deteriorating conditions, the government has resorted to numerous measures to counteract these threats to democracy. These measures have included the creation of a ‘people’s tribunal’, which can try individuals who have been accused of crimes against humanity and terrorism; a special courts that allow prosecutions without pre-trial hearings; a law that prohibits NGOs from using state funds for the promotion of hate speech and other discriminatory activities against certain groups; and a law that requires judges to publicly denounce anti-government statements made in their courtrooms.

Despite these efforts to address human rights violations, Indonesia has not achieved significant progress in the area. For example, the government has yet to fully implement a law to provide for an independent national human rights commission that can investigate and report on systematic abuses of human rights, such as arbitrary detentions, torture and killings.

As a result, civil society groups have struggled to build an effective counterweight to the increasingly influential interests of business elites and opportunists who seek to monopolize power through corruption and other means. Despite this, many Indonesians still believe in the promise of a democratic society, and are willing to invest their tax dollars to make it happen.

The most successful democratic governments in Indonesia have relied on the ability of competent leaders to connect with voters. This has largely been achieved by regional executives who were able to gain experience working for their communities before seeking higher office. While this model is not perfect, it has enabled more citizens to have a meaningful say in their country’s affairs.

The Five Aspects of Democracy


Democracy is a political system in which all citizens have the right to vote and have a say in the decisions that are made about their government. It is also a type of government that involves representatives of the people, and it is often used in conjunction with other types of governments to make a complete system of governance.

The quality of democracy depends on many different factors. For example, it can be influenced by the economic and social conditions in a country. Moreover, it can be influenced by the ideas that govern a society.

Among the most important aspects of democracy are:

Participation and Control

For representative democracy to work well, it is essential for all citizens to participate in the decision making process. In order to achieve this, suffrage rights should be as widespread and equal as possible. Moreover, suffrage should be used in a fair and open manner, allowing all citizens to be heard.

A good way to increase participation is to get more people involved in local community organizations. This will enable more people to make an impact and to become aware of the problems that are important to them.

It is also important for young people to be involved in local communities, especially if they are living in rural areas. They may join protest groups that are campaigning for a particular cause, such as war, child labour or environmental protection.

This kind of activity can help to build a stronger democracy, because it helps to build awareness of the issues that matter to the people in those communities. It can also give young people a sense of the importance of their own participation and their ability to have a real impact.

In addition, it can help to build an environment that encourages innovation and creativity, as well as fostering an atmosphere of respect for the rights and interests of others. In this way, democracy can improve the economic and social conditions of all people.

The wisdom of the crowd

In a democratic system, it is logical to expect that a large number of decision-makers will be able to make better decisions than a small group of experts. This is based on the theory of Condorcet’s jury theorem, which states that when there are a large number of people involved in a given decision, it is more likely to be right than when only a small group of people are involved.

The power of the majority

It is important for democracy to allow for a majority rule so that all citizens have an equal voice in government. This can be achieved by having a strong and representative government.

When people have a voice in government, they are more likely to think carefully and rationally about the decisions that are made. This is because they have to listen to other people and justify their views.

Besides enhancing the autonomy of citizens, democracy can also improve their morality and activity by encouraging them to engage with their local communities.

The State of Democracy in America

democracy in america

Democracy is a system of government that allows for the free and full expression of the people’s wishes. It was developed in the United States to counter the autocracy that existed at the time. The US’s founding documents, Bill of Rights, abolitionist movement, civil rights movement and affirmative action were all aimed at promoting and strengthening American democracy.

However, many Americans have lost faith in the democratic process due to a combination of money politics, elite rule and a dysfunctional system that does not work for everyone. The resulting political polarization, which is often at a fever pitch and growing, has led to a deterioration of the country’s core values, a growing distrust of government, and a feeling that democracy has devolved into mob rule.

Money Politics & Elite Rule

A large share of Congress is funded by corporations, a small group of wealthy Americans, and favored interest groups. This financial support makes it more likely that candidates will be able to gain office and speak for the interests of their financial backers. In turn, those Congressional representatives may be more likely to enact legislation that benefits their businesses and families or to vote against laws that protect the environment, public health, or other social issues they care about.

This is a problem because many Americans have seen their jobs, homes, and lives destroyed by this kind of money politics. In addition, many people feel resentment toward the system of money politics and are unable to see how they can change it.

Partisan Polarization & Corruption

The electoral system in the United States is increasingly susceptible to manipulation by plutocrats and celebrities, and many presidential primary voters are supporting candidates who do not reflect their views. This is a serious, immediate threat to the health of democracy that should be addressed by a step-change in focus.

In the United States, money politics has impacted elections at all levels of government, from the presidency to the state legislatures, and has undermined the tenets of American democracy by allowing for a system of government that favors vested interests over the people. This has caused a deepening of partisan polarization and has become the foundation for political corruption.

Another significant problem has been the influence of corporate monopolies in America’s media sector, which have shaped narratives that turn citizens into passive viewers and have reduced their interest in civic engagement. In his book Rich Media, Poor Democracy, Robert McChesney explains how these monopolies have narrowed the public’s range of information and made it difficult to distinguish between truth and falsehood in public affairs.

This has also undermined the ability of the public to engage with their elected officials and the government’s policies. The majority of Americans, from both the left and right, do not trust their political representatives or are not sure that they care enough to speak up if they are unhappy with their leadership.

While a step-change in focus is necessary to address the deterioration of democracy, it should be done with a future-centered vision of what a more inclusive America could look like that allows for the fullest expression of people’s identities. This vision will need to be disseminated through artistic, literary and cultural endeavors, advertising and other mass media efforts, and other outlets that shape the public’s image of how society should be.

Understanding the Concept of Freedom


The word freedom is a concept that is important to all people because it encapsulates the idea that we have the power to act without being restrained. However, there are many restrictions and limitations to freedom that must be taken into account.

Social Freedom

The social freedom we have involves the ability to interact with other people in a free and open way. This means that we can do whatever we want and speak up for ourselves, without fear of being ostracized or punished by others. This is a great thing to have in our lives because it allows us to feel good about who we are and what we do.

Non-Social Freedom

Generally, the non-social freedom we have in our lives involves the ability to be creative or make a difference in the world. This is something that most people believe has value to society because it promotes self-actualization and makes a positive contribution to the world.

It is important to note that while we are free to express our own opinions and beliefs, it is also possible for people to impose their views on us. That is why it is crucial to be tolerant and understanding of other points of view, especially when they come from different cultures or religions.

In addition to the social and non-social freedoms, we also have a right to choose which religion we follow or what political beliefs we share. This is because freedom is a very general concept and the meaning of it depends on how you look at it.

One of the ways that we can understand the concept of freedom is to consider what philosophers have said about it in the past. For instance, Immanuel Kant argued that freedom is the autonomy of the will and not just the absence of restraints.

He also argued that an act is free only when it is carried out according to reason. This is a very powerful idea, and it is a principle that is often used to determine whether an action is truly free or not.

This is why it is important to be able to use reason to assess the truth of any claims made about freedom. Using reason allows us to establish a consistent approach to what we are trying to achieve.

The first and most important part of this process is to identify where you have a right to be free. You will need to do this by thinking about what factors are limiting your freedom and what rights you have to resist those limits.

There are many things that can restrict a person’s freedom, such as their talents and skills, their family situation, their wealth, cultural norms, laws against violence and incest, and the rights of others. Each of these factors has a direct impact on how much freedom an individual actually has, but they all help to make the process of choosing more difficult.

To make it easier to determine how much freedom you have, you can ask yourself the following question: Is this choice consistent with my own values and beliefs? Is this choice in line with the beliefs and values of my peers or family members? If it is not in line with my own values and beliefs, then this is a sign that it is not an act of true freedom.

The Importance of Law


Law is a system of rules that people and governments develop to deal with crime, business agreements, and social relationships. These rules help make our society a safe and peaceful place.

Laws can be applied to everyone, whether it’s a person, a police officer or a government official. They are meant to protect our rights and ensure that we’re all treated equally.

The law can also be applied to things in our everyday lives, such as the rules we need to follow when buying a mobile phone or getting married. The police can take action against anyone who breaks the law and send them to prison.

There are many different types of laws, which vary depending on what they govern. Some of them are based on religion, and others on natural law.

Religious law is largely based on religious precepts and traditions, such as the Jewish Halakha and Islamic Sharia, although some Christian communities have their own canon law. Other types of law are based on the detailed facts of a particular case, rather than on constitutions, statutes or regulations.

Some of the most common areas of law are criminal law, tax law and financial regulation, immigration and nationality law, family law, and legal education. International law is a field that deals with the rights of foreigners to live and work in another country, and how they are treated by their governments.

Laws can also be based on economics, for example the laws that regulate the way we buy and sell goods. These include antitrust law, which prevents monopolies from controlling prices and causing harm to consumers.

Other aspects of law that can have a significant impact on daily life are consumer protection, public services and utilities, and regulations on how businesses do their business. These can vary from the law that regulates how companies pay for their energy and water, to how they treat their employees or what kinds of contracts they have.

In some cases, people can choose to follow their own rules and beliefs, such as the right to freedom of speech in a democracy. However, it is generally advisable to follow the law.

The law is a set of rules that everyone needs to follow in order to be safe and feel respected in the community. It can also be used to solve disputes, like when two people want to claim the same piece of property or when they are being charged with a crime.

One of the main principles of common law is a principle known as stare decisis, which means “let it stand”. This principle states that courts need to follow previous decisions and rulings — often called precedents — when making new decisions in similar cases. This helps to avoid recurrences of past legal disputes.

Democracy in Indonesia

democracy in indonesia

Since the fall of Suharto’s regime in 1998, Indonesia has consolidated its democratic institutions and run successful elections at many levels of government. However, the military is still powerful, and political actors with ties to the military are gaining prominence. Efforts to curb the influence of the military will need to focus on strengthening civilian bureaucracy, the free and active press, independent courts, and fair elections.

The general public remains largely nonpolitical and reluctant to get involved in political affairs, especially online, though majorities have expressed support for a few key issues. Nevertheless, the country has a vibrant civil society and a robust media sector that are vital for maintaining openness and accountability.

Despite two decades of reforms, Indonesia’s democracy remains vulnerable to political and economic threats. The most obvious threat comes from the military, which remains entrenched in a traditional security role and is often influenced by internal cleavages. In addition, the country faces a number of challenges related to social inequality and wealth disparity, including an uneven health system and growing activity by radical sectarian groups.

In recent years, Indonesia has seen a series of attempts to roll back the gains of its post-Suharto transition. One of the most recent efforts, a bill passed in September 2019 gutting the anti-graft agency, has drawn widespread protests but has yet to be implemented. The ensuing crisis suggests that elected representatives are using their popular mandate to dismantle sources of democratic accountability.

Direct regional elections – which are increasingly viewed as a democratizing tool – have created a two-tier system of governance. As a result, some areas are not ready to bear the burden of responsible electoral choices. As a remedy, the government is developing an asymmetric model of direct elections that would allow direct polls in areas where voters are competent to make responsible electoral choices but revert to indirect regional elections in areas deemed not ready to assume such responsibility.

Legislative and executive powers are decentralized in Indonesia, with the parliament (MPR) based in Jakarta and the government based in regional capitals. The MPR is a bicameral body, with the lower house of the parliament consisting of a Council of People’s Representatives and the Council of Regional Representatives.

The MPR is tasked with interpreting the Constitution and broad lines of state policy. A bicameral parliament is essential for the legislature to be effective and provide a unified voice to the country’s various interests. The MPR has a high degree of independence from the executive branch, with the president being required to consult with the MPR before making major policy decisions.

Regulatory changes, such as laws against blasphemy and those that limit the dissemination of certain types of information, have made it harder for individuals to express their views on sensitive topics. Research by the Indonesia Survey Institute and survey firm Indikator Politik Indonesia has shown that such measures have a chilling effect on the nation’s citizenry, with more than half of Indonesians saying they would be less likely to discuss politics in the future.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Democracy


Democracy is a form of government that is based on the majority of people rather than an elite class. This system is a great way to distribute power and equality amongst the population.

The term democracy is derived from the Greek words “demos” (people) and “kratos” (rule). The word was first used in 5th century BC to describe political systems in some Greek city-states, such as Athens.

In democratic systems, everyone is able to participate in elections and vote for their representative. This gives each person a voice and allows them to have a voice in the future of their country.

One of the main differences between this governing structure and other government systems is that in a democracy, all voices are given equal weight during an election. This means that even if you are the poorest in society, your opinion still counts.

This gives people a sense of being a part of the community and that they are not alone in their struggle to survive. It also helps to reduce issues such as discrimination and exploitation.

Another difference between the governing structure of a democracy and other structures is that it gives each citizen the opportunity to seek out any employment opportunities, schools, or places they want to live in. This freedom is a great benefit for young people in particular, as it gives them the chance to work on projects they are passionate about.

There is also an influx of young people participating in protests, campaigns, and environmental groups. This is a fantastic way to bring attention to specific issues and help change the world for the better.

In most countries, it is possible to move to a new place for a better job, education, or to be closer to friends and family. This freedom to do so is a major factor in the rise of democracy around the world.

Despite its popularity, there are some disadvantages to the structure of a democracy that can make it not ideal for everyone. Some of these problems include partisan politics, mob thinking, and the lack of checks and balances within this governing format.

1. Partisan Politics

The polarization of politics in democracies encourages mob thinking because each election is an “us vs. them” edict. This is particularly bad in two-party systems, but this disadvantage is present in all democracies as well.

2. Discontent based on personal interest

The structure of a democracy is a “person-first” process that tends to focus on the interests of individual citizens rather than society as a whole. This can result in many voters putting their own needs before the interests of others, which creates a lot of frustration and anger in the general population.

3. Lack of checks and balances

The disadvantage of this governing format is that there aren’t enough checkpoints in the process to ensure that the government is not acting in ways that are against the will of the general population. There can be a lot of corruption and a lot of people working behind the scenes to change laws that are in the best interest of their companies or families.

Democracy in America

democracy in america

In the 1830s, French author Alexis de Tocqueville departed on a journey that would lead him to explore America and its unique democratic system. He filled 14 notebooks with his observations, thoughts and interviews with over 200 Americans.

In his book Democracy in America, Alexis de Tocqueville wrote extensively about the American political system and its evolution. He praised its progressive features, including one person, one vote; the separation of powers; and a representative system that gave citizens an equal voice in the government.

Tocqueville argued that America was a great experiment in democratization. But he also warned that it was not perfect.

Many of de Tocqueville’s criticisms of the American system are still relevant today; some are even more pertinent than in his time. For instance, he notes that the US system is not “democratic in form but democratic in substance.”

The American democratic system has become dysfunctional due to a combination of vetocracy and money politics. It is no longer a system of checks and balances that was supposed to protect the government from abuse; it has become an endless cycle of partisan wrangling, recriminations and gridlock.

This is particularly true with the two parties, as both have drifted further apart in their areas of agreement and are now more conservative than ever before. In addition, the influence of identity politics and tribalism has made a mockery of democracy in America.

Another serious problem with the American system is that the majority of people do not identify with their party and therefore do not have a strong interest in politics. This creates a situation where the parties are not focused on national development and progress. Instead, they are preoccupied with their partisan interests and do not care about the welfare of the general population.

Moreover, in a society that has developed a culture of vetocracy and where people are not confident in the legitimacy of their elections, it is no wonder that there are so many people who don’t want to take part in democracy at all. This is especially true for women, minorities and immigrants.

While democracy is a good idea, it is not always the best way to go about creating a better society. Sometimes, it is necessary to resort to force to achieve justice or to overcome a social barrier.

In order for a democratic system to work, people need to be able to speak out and exercise their freedom of expression. This is why journalists are so important to democracy.

Unfortunately, despite their important role in the US, the press is not free from controversy. It is often the target of attacks from politicians and public figures, who are afraid of being criticized by the media.

Throughout the country, activists are agitating for social change. These movements can either be organized into peaceful protests or they can be violent insurrections. It is critical for citizens to be able to distinguish between these two types of activism, and to choose which type is right for them.

The Concept of Freedom

Freedom is the right to do, think, believe, speak, worship, gather, or act as one pleases, as long as it does not infringe on another person’s freedoms. It is a moral concept that must be interpreted carefully to avoid dangerous anarchy.

The meaning of the term freedom has been debated for many centuries, particularly in political and social philosophy. For example, Kant uses it in a number of ways in his writings, including as a transcendental idea in the Critique of Pure Reason and as a practical concept in the Critique of Practical Reason.

In the 1950s, American philosopher Isaiah Berlin developed a distinction between positive and negative concepts of liberty. Using this dichotomy, Berlin distinguished between freedom of action (negative), and the ability to act free of interference from others (positive). The two terms are often used interchangeably in philosophy, although some authors prefer to use different words.

Berlin’s work has had a major impact on the way we think about freedom today. It has also led to the development of a general framework for interpreting freedom, which has been criticized by some. This framework consists of three variables: the agent, his or her action and a relationship between the two.

Those who oppose the concept of freedom as being a triadic relation argue that it is an artificial division, and that there is only one basic concept of freedom. In contrast, those who defend the concept of freedom as being a triadic relationship argue that it is the most natural and appropriate interpretation of the concept of freedom, and that it should be given more weight than a distinction between positive and negative freedom.

MacCallum argued against the use of the term ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ in his 1967 article, “Freedom and Power.” He argues that these terms are too easily used to describe different types of behavior, and that the use of these terms is best understood in a more general sense as a triadic relation, rather than a distinction between negative and positive freedom.

There is a wide range of possible uses of the term ‘freedom’, and if we attempt to line up all the possibilities, we would find that they would overlap in significant ways.

The concept of ‘freedom’ has been used to define both moral and legal rights, as well as the nature of human relationships in society. It has been a central topic of discussion in legal and political philosophy, as well as in philosophies of free will.

In the past, the terms ‘liberty’ and ‘freedom’ have been used interchangeably by political and social philosophers. However, this has been challenged by a number of contemporary authors, most notably Isaiah Berlin in the 1950s and 1960s.

Perks of a Career in Law


Law is a set of rules that governs human relationships. Its purposes are to ensure justice, protect people and prevent fraud. It is an integral part of society and shapes political, economic and social life in many ways.

Law can be written and enforced by a government or by individual citizens. Usually, laws are created through a process of legislation. The process begins with an idea from a legislator, senator or other official who then submits that idea to a committee for study and review. If it is accepted, it is put on a calendar and debated and voted on. If a simple majority of the representatives approves the idea, it becomes a law.

There are many different types of laws and they cover a wide range of topics. Some examples include immigration law, nationality law, social security law and family law.

A career in law gives you the opportunity to travel and work with new people around the world. This can be a great experience and can help you gain a broad perspective on the world.

Another advantage of working in law is that you often get to see the law in action, which can be a very valuable tool for learning. It can also be a way for you to make a difference in the lives of others.

One of the perks of being a lawyer is that it is a highly respected profession. This is because it has a long history and has a significant role in society.

You can get paid to argue and to change laws for the betterment of the common people. This is a pretty cool way to earn money and it will give you a lot of satisfaction and pride in what you do.

There are also some perks to being a lawyer like having an office with four walls instead of being in a bullpen and working in a large law firm or corporation. This can help you build your reputation and your esteem among your peers and clients.

Some law firms offer legal clinics where students can go into the field to learn about the practice of law and how it affects everyday life. This is an important aspect of being a lawyer because you have to be familiar with the law and how it works in order to properly advise your clients and provide them with the services they need.

These clinics allow you to apply what you have learned in the classroom and it helps you develop critical thinking and logical skills, which are essential for becoming a successful lawyer.

It is also a great way to get involved in a cause you are passionate about and to gain a better understanding of other cultures. This is especially true when you are working in a large international law firm that covers multiple jurisdictions.

There are a number of benefits to being a lawyer, but the most important is that it is an excellent way to become involved in the community and help people. This is why it is so popular for young people to pursue a career in law.